More than 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic, companies are starting to emerge to discuss how their businesses have changed and what permanent effect this will have.

Three Kansas City leaders sat

The computer, tablet, phone or watch you are reading this article on: how secure do you think it is? Do you think a bad actor from anywhere in the world could hack your system and steal not just your

When it comes to leading through adversity, much of our focus lately has been on how leaders and organizations have gotten through COVID-19. But adversity doesn't just come in the form of pandemics

You'd be forgiven for being ever-so-slightly jealous of Paul Edgerley and John Sherman. After all, it's not all of us who can grow up to own the baseball team in their hometown. 

The April 9 ACG

Next time you drive by a used car lot, ask yourself how the cars got there. Not all of them are trade-ins. Many are bought at auction. Thanks to a Kansas City company, the process was made easier with