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Founded in New York as the Association for Corporate Growth and Diversification, Inc.
Name changed to the Association for Corporate Growth, Inc.
Second chapter, ACG Chicago, formed.
Third chapter, ACG Toronto, formed.
Fourth chapter, ACG Los Angeles, formed.
First InterGrowth held in Mexico City.
Tom Smith with Ernst & Ernst became first president of ACG Global.
ACG created its first industry award, The Hilton Award, named for ACG founder Peter Hilton.
ACG Membership Directory launched.
ACG has 12 chapters with nearly 1,600 members.
ACG has 21 chapters with 2,275 members.
ACG launched first official member publication, The Journal of Corporate Growth.
ACG bestowed newly created ACG Emerging Company Award to Sensormatic.
First EuroGrowth conference held in London.
ACG has 24 chapters with 2,544 members.
First ACG Meritorious Service Awards given.
ACG launched homepage www.acg.org.
Private equity became an official ACG member designation.
ACG UK founded representing first chapter in Europe.
ACG has 34 chapters with 5,054 members.
ACG Capital Connection launched, originally named PEG Marketplace.
ACG Global’s first independent HQ established in Palatine, Illinois.
ACG launched co-branded magazine with Thomson Financial, ACG Mergers & Acquisitions Journal.
ACG DealSource premiered at InterGrowth.
ACG’s Global Growth Sponsorship program debuted.
ACG Cup case study competition created by ACG Los Angeles.
ACG first sponsored CIPEF Conference in Tianjin, China.
ACG Global HQ moved to Chicago.
ACG China founded representing first chapter in Asia.
Mission statement of Driving Middle-Market Growth introduced.
ACG Brazil founded representing first chapter in South America.
ACG launched GrowthEconomy.org, an award-winning database illustrating the impact of private equity on the U.S. economy.
ACG launched Middle Market Growth®, a suite of publications.
ACG was instrumental in formation of bipartisan Congressional Caucus for Middle Market Growth.
ACG’s Private Equity Regulatory Task Force (PERT) is formed.
Public policy office established in Washington, D.C., to advocate for private capital investment in the middle market.
ACG established a Political Action Committee (ACG PAC).
Middle Market Growth magazine evolved into a quarterly print edition.
Much of the data above was sourced from “Trust; The History of the Association for Corporate Growth” by Carl Wangman and Judith Iacuzzi.
ACG's DealMAX® is the middle market's can’t-miss M&A event. Join 3,000+ dealmakers on April 7-9 for one-on-one meetings, networking, industry insights, fun and more.