2019 brought with it one big change for those in the accounting and finance space that privately held companies have been working diligently to implement. Beginning on January 1, 2019 (January 1, 2018

The retirement of Baby Boomers and the growing number of young Millenials and Gen Z individuals entering the work world should be changing the way companies are run, said Jim Clifton, chairman and CEO

PayIt is a software development company with the mission of making it easier, faster and more efficient for people to do business with the government. Its origins came from Plunkett and his co-founder

By Tony Wayne
September 18, 2019

As turnaround and restructuring experts, and from our experience in complex commercial and financial litigation, we have gained a valuable perspective of what can

Tim Barton is the serial entrepreneur’s entrepreneur. From his first company built while a college student through building and exiting Freightquote to (most recently) co-founding Edison Spaces and