Early in his address at ACG’s monthly meeting Jan. 13, Connor Lokar reinforced the conventional wisdom: “There’s a recession coming.”

Lokar is senior forecaster for ITR Economics, based in


The supply chain—the phrase and the concept are ubiquitous. It’s fundamentally necessary for every business to do business. But what exactly does it encompass?

The Corporate Finance Institute defi


There are about 6,200 companies in the United States that are owned by employee stock ownership plans (ESOPs).

About 5,700 of these companies are privately held, about 2,300 of those are 100% ESOP


The late Lamar Hunt knew something about building a championship culture — in his vision for his career, in the boardroom and the front office, and on the field of play.

Hunt’s son Clark Hunt


Entrepreneur Matthew Condon celebrated the sale of his first company with champagne on a Friday in December 2013, woke up Saturday with a bit of a headache, went to church on Sunday and then