Grant Gooding made himself into a customer expert by measuring millions of customers for clients in various industries.

Gooding is the founder and CEO of Overland Park-based Proof Positioning. He


No doubt about it: Consumerism drives much of the U.S. economy and exerts a major influence on our culture.

And marketing is key to directing and responding to consumers’ brand awareness and


Patrick Ottensmeyer wore the flags of Canada, Mexico and the United States when he spoke at ACG’s May 5 breakfast meeting.

Ottensmeyer is the former Kansas City Southern president and CEO. He and


The Kansas City region is basking in the global spotlight.

On display are the new Kansas City International Airport, Panasonic’s decision to locate here, the 2023 NFL draft, the first stadium in


M&A deals and available capital are likely to continue slowing down this year, though some companies still see growth on the horizon for 2023. Creative approaches are called for to keep the