Annual Sponsorship

Partner with ACG Wisconsin!

Annual Sponsorship: $4,000

The Annual Sponsorship package is ACG Wisconsin’s most comprehensive program, offering 32 member firms year-round exposure beginning September 1, 2024, at the chapter’s monthly meetings, summer networking events, and special events. It is very simple – there are no special deals and just one class of sponsorship.

Benefits include:

  • Your logo included on every meeting invitation email sent from ACG Wisconsin.
  • Your logo displayed on two different sets of banners during ACG Wisconsin member events.
  • Your logo and URL link included on the ACG Wisconsin website and event pages. This includes a brief description and contact information on the site.
  • Your logo on a variety of printed formats, including tabletop displays, meeting program booklets and signage.
  • Your logo projected at the front of the room prior to ACG Wisconsin meetings.
  • Your sponsorship featured with your prepared content via ACG Wisconsin’s LinkedIn page.


Yes, I would like to partner with ACG Wisconsin!