ACG Cup Resources



The Competition

Student teams will have about one week to complete their analysis as well as develop their presentations. Team members will receive a link via email to an online database that allows access to the case and supporting case materials.  The MBA case will be provided by ACG Global and created by finance industry experts.  

Round 1 will be held at UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, and Marquette. The winner from each round will move on to the Final Round to compete for the top prize in the ACG Cup Finals.

Round 1

The Round 1 objective is to provide students with an opportunity to present their analysis of the case and recommendations to the panel of judges with real-world business experience. Teams will compete against their own schools.

Following the competition, the judges will provide overall feedback and advice, as well as announce the highest scoring teams. These teams will move on to the Final Round.

Final Round

During the Final Round, each team will get an add-on case to Round 1 and have about one week to create a presentation. Each team in the Final Round will present their recommendations to the judges. Students should anticipate the possibility of interruptions and questions from the judges during their timed presentation. After the last presentation, the judges will convene for an allocated amount of time to determine the winning team.

The Rules

  1. Teams should be made up of at least three members from the same school who will present the case study in both Round 1 and the Final Round.
  2. Teams should register with the competition no later than February 5, 2025.
  3. Participating students must be officially registered at least half-time at participating schools during the 2024-2025 academic year.
  4. Teams will prepare a 20-minute presentation that may consist of a variety of the following:
    • A live presentation to judges who represent key entities with the case study
    • Time for question and answer from the judges based on the components of the presentation
    • PowerPoint presentations and handouts
  5. Student teams are responsible for determining how they will split their time between presentation and Q&A, handle any questions, and manage their presentation time. Students should anticipate the possibility of being interrupted by questions from the judges during their presentation.
  6. Liaisons will be assigned to each school and will help answer questions about the competition and its components. 
  7. Students may seek general finance, presentation training, and mentoring from faculty, ACG members, and outside resources before the case is distributed.
  8. Once the case has been distributed, teams may not enlist help from outside the team for any aspects specific to the competition case.

The Rewards

  • Cash award

    • A total of $6,000 in cash prizes will be awarded to competing teams that make it to the Final Round of the competition. 

  • Networking and career opportunities with ACG members and local and regional business leaders.

  • Gain valuable real-life skills in mergers and acquisitions. This experience, exposure and training in M&A is not found anywhere else!