ACG WI: Eric & Rick Boelter, Boelter Companies


Event Details


September 9, 2016 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM CDT

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This event is for ACG Wisconsin members and their guests. Reserve seats for your and your guests by clicking on the blue "Register for this event" button. If you prefer a fruit plate instead of the chicken entree, please indicate so in the "ADA & Special Dietary Needs" box on the registration form.  

ACG Members: Please click on the blue "Register for this event" button in order to begin the registration process. There is no fee to attend. Members of other ACG Chapters are welcome to attend up to two ACG WI meetings for a 25 per meeting fee.
To register your substitute, please contact the ACG Wisconsin office at or 262-532-2440, ext. 12.
Guests: Guests must be registered by an ACG WI member. Members - Please register your guests with your online registration. The guest fee is 35. There is no charge for up to two meetings for guests who are prospective ACG WI members.
Prospective Corporate Members, Service Members-In-Waiting and YACG Members: To register for this meeting, contact the ACG Wisconsin office at or 262-532-2440, ext. 12.
Cancellations: To avoid being charged if you’ve made a reservation, please call the Administrative Office two days prior to the meeting. Please contact Holly Berg at or 262-532-2440, ext. 12 if you have questions or trouble registering.
Hosted by: ACG