
Network with more than 185 members comprised of senior officers from corporations, private equity and service provider organizations with leadership roles in strategic corporate growth.

ACG Wisconsin is focused at maintaining a strong Corporate/Private Equity focus with a current member mix comprised of executives representing 60% Corporate/Private Equity and 40% Service Provider/Advisor.

Membership Criteria

ACG Wisconsin is as an approval chapter with all applicants pending Membership Committee approval.

Corporate and Private Equity Firms – Membership Selection Criteria
  1. Location – Organization headquartered or with significant operations within Wisconsin.
  2. Role – Chairperson of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, President, Chief Financial Officer, or officer directly responsible for corporate growth, corporate development, and mergers and acquisitions.
  3. Revenue Size – Minimum company revenue size of $10MM or PE firm that has completed a deal with over $10MM in revenue over last three years.
Service Provider / Advisor – Membership Selection Criteria
  1. Offer – The service firm’s principal offer is within the practice areas of facilitating corporate growth, corporate development, or mergers and acquisitions.
  2. Role – Owner, partner, or principal of the service firm, with direct accountability for qualifying services (e.g. corporate growth, corporate development, or mergers and acquisitions).
  3. Revenue Size With a firm focus on deals with companies with more than $10MM in annual revenue or serving clients with annual revenue of more than $10MM.
  4. Membership Growth Commitment – Applicant must successfully recruit one Corporate or Private Equity firm to join ACG Wisconsin prior to their membership becoming active.

Membership Categories

Please review ACG's primary membership categories and their sub-classifications.


Upon completing a membership application or registering for an event, you will be asked to select a category.  Please indicate the one sub-classification that most closely matches your profession/organization.


NOTE: ACG Wisconsin also has a membership for emerging professionals. ACG Wisconsin’s NextGen program provides professional development opportunities for emerging professionals involved in M&A and corporate growth. Learn more and join here.


Membership Application Process

Membership in ACG Wisconsin is on an individual basis and remains with the individual when they change roles, join a different organization, or retire.

Individuals interested in joining ACG Wisconsin are asked to complete our membership application.

Upon receipt, your application will be shared with the Membership Committee for review. You will be informed of their decision via email.

Please contact ACG Wisconsin with any questions about membership, the status of your application, or if you would like to attend a meeting.


Join ACG Wisconsin