ACG NJ Monthly Breakfast Meeting, March 21, 2017


Event Details


March 21, 2017 8 AM - 10:30 AM EDT

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Tuesday, March 21, 2017
7:00 to 9:30 a.m. 
Galloping Hill Golf Course, Kenilworth, NJ  
Defying Predictions:
How Did We Get It So Wrong?

Krista Jenkins
Professor of Political Science, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Executive Director, PublicMind

The presidential election brought into sharp focus the public’s unease with the accuracy of polls. From underestimating sizable differences, to overstating levels of support, the role of public opinion polls in our democracy today goes far beyond simply predicting the outcome of a race. 

Join us as Krista Jenkins, professor of political science at Fairleigh Dickinson University, and the Executive Director of PublicMind, FDU’s Research Center, discusses the role of public opinion polls and its challenges which this election certainly served to highlight. Ms. Jenkins will also focus on the extent to which unease over polling accuracy is warranted, as well as the art and science of conducting and reporting on complicated and many times confusing polling data. Krista Jenkins is a frequent broadcast and print commentator on politics in New Jersey, and author of numerous articles and books on Politics and Gender, Politics and Youth and the American Political Behavior.
Breakfast Meeting Charges 
 Register Early and Save! 
 Early Bird Rates Expire Friday, March 17th
                                   Members of ACG NJ:                Complimentary!  
                                   First Time Attendees:             50  (After March 17 - 75)
                                   Non-Members:                      75  (After March 17 - 100) 
Cancellation Policy:  Full refund, less 3% processing fee, if cancellation is received by 5:00pm on Friday, March 17, 2017. 
Hosted by: ACG
New Jersey