In-house Counsel Forum

"In-house Counsel Forum"  is a quarterly dinner meeting/ discussion forum for In-house attorneys of corporations, generally with annual revenues between $100 million and $5 billion+, including General Counsel, Chief Legal Officers and Deputy, Associate and Assistant General Counsel.  Almost 200 senior In-house counsel have attended since our first meeting in 2008, with many joining us regularly. A typical dinner discussion group has a senior In-house attorney leading the discussion on an important topic of interest, with approximately 15 to 25 In-house Attorneys attending.  We also typically issue 2 CLE credits for each meeting.

For more information contact Lou Halstead at PLEASE NOTE: If you are qualified to attend this forum, please register via the link in the email invitation or email  This event is invitation-only and therefor the registration link is not public on the website.  

          "One of the major benefits of the In-House Counsel Forum is the opportunity to discuss with in-house colleagues legal topics and trends important to in house counsel in an informal, collegial environment that supports and encourages wide ranging discussion and review of such issues." Bill Schlimbach, Vice-President, Secretary and Deputy General Counsel, J.M.Huber Corporation

     "There are few opportunities for in house attorneys to come together to discuss their work in a laid back, informal setting. The In-House Counsel Forum gives us just this kind of opportunity. At each meeting, there is time for both informal chat as well as structured topics presented by some of the best legal minds in the state. The focus usually is on issues and topics of most concern to the in house counsel and the presenters are typically in house attorneys. Thus the perspectives often differ from those in typical legal seminars, which tend to focus on law firm practice and issues. And the food is about the best Italian food I have had in New Jersey! I look forward to every meeting."  Nick DeFabrizio, Chief Counsel, CIT Communications, Media and Entertainment Group.

     "The atmosphere is informal; the quality of discussions is high.  I get something out of every session.  And the food is great!"  Mark Decker, Senior Vice President & General Counsel, The Connell Company

Value proposition:  This exclusive, strictly peer-to-peer, meeting is an excellent forum for corporate In-house attorneys to share experiences and best practices with a transactional focus while developing relationships in a convenient, enjoyable and relaxing setting.

Attendees: Prior attendees of the forum include Mark Decker, General Counsel, The Connell Company; Nick DeFabrizio, Chief Counsel Communications Media and Entertainment, CIT Group; Maria DeLoughry, Senior Counsel and Information Technology Counsel, Sealed Air Corporation; Michael McDonald, Vice President & Assistant General Counsel, Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals Inc.; Greg Mulligan, General Counsel and Company Secretary, Evonik Degussa Corporation; Jens Obermueller, Vice President and General Counsel US, Symrise, Inc.; Henry Sacco, Chief Legal Officer, Brother International Corporation; Bill Schlimbach, VP, Secretary and Deputy General Counsel, J.M. Huber Corporation; Nick Spinelli, Associate General Counsel and Vice President, Atlas Copco North America LLC .

The In-house Counsel Forum is hosted by ACG NJ and is kindly supported by EisnerAmperLLP,  Gibbons and Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C. 

Upcoming In-house forum: May 8, 2025

For more information contact Lou Halstead at PLEASE NOTE: If you are qualified to attend this forum, please register via the link in the email invitation or email  This event is invitation-only and therefor the registration link is not public on the website.  

INTERESTED IN SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES?  Contact Lou Halstead ( or Alyson Brice ( to learn more.  
Click on the following link to view the ACG NJ In-house Sponsors Package: