The Angel Forum of ACG New Jersey

"The Angel Forum of ACG New Jersey"  is a quarterly breakfast meeting/ discussion forum for current angel investors and business owners and senior executives wishing to learn about angel investing while getting connected with seasoned angels.  The group has been gathering for twelve years and almost 150 angel investors, business owners and senior executives have attended, with many participating regularly.  A typical breakfast group has an angel investor leading the discussion on an important topic of interest, with approximately 20 to 25 angel investors and business owners/senior executives attending.

For more information contact PLEASE NOTE: If you are qualified to attend this forum, please register via the link in the email invitation or email  This event is invitation-only and therefor the registration link is not public on the website. 

      "The ACG Angel breakfast is an excellent, non-deal flow oriented forum, focused on best practices and shared experiences among angel investors", John Ason, active angel investor and member JumpStart New Jersey Angel Network.

     "As an active angel investor, I love attending ACG's Angel Forum breakfast meetings where we discuss and share the current happenings in early stage investing among experienced investors along with successful business executives interested in becoming Angel investors," Joel Cartun, Active Angel Investor, and Chairman, Business Advisory Services.

Value proposition:  This exclusive, strictly peer-to-peer, meeting is an excellent forum for angel investors and business leaders to share experiences and best practices while developing relationships in a convenient, enjoyable and relaxing setting.

Attendees:  Prior attendees include the following seasoned angel investors, John Ason; Joel Cartun, President, Business Advisory Services; Mario Casabona, Founder & CEO, Casabona Ventures and Chairman, JumpStart New Jersey Angel Network; Peter Christensen, Chairman, Continuity Logic; Stephen Dyer, SRD Capital Management; Bob Griffin; Bob Lieb, Chairman, Mountain Development; Mike Mazzola; Ed Smith, President, Barnegat Bay Capital; Wayne Tamarelli, President, AWT Private Investments.

The Angel Forum is supported by Gibbons P.C. 

Next Angel Forum Breakfast: March 12, 2025


At our meeting, Susan Schofer, a Partner at SOSV a global venture capital firm and Chief Science Officer at HAX will lead an exciting group discussion about SOSV/HAX’s activities and engagement in the State of New Jersey, including working with Angel Investors.

Newark NJ-based HAX (a part of the SOSV global venture capital firm providing multi-stage investment to support deep tech founders) is the world’s first and most active program focused on pre-seed, hard tech startups working on sustainability across climate, industrial automation and human health, with a flagship 35,000 square foot facility in Newark.

Susan Schofer is a Partner at SOSV global venture capital firm and serves as Chief Science Officer at HAX, the world’s premier venture program accelerating early stage hard tech startups. She works with new startups via early stage investment, defining key milestones and go-to-market strategies, and is responsible for scientific oversight and building capabilities to support portfolio companies.

Prior to joining HAX, Susan served as SVP Business Development for Modern Meadow and a member of the executive leadership team for over 7 years, developing new sustainable materials inspired by leather without any animals, where she led product, partnership, and go-to-market strategy and execution from early ideation through to commercialization. Before that, Susan spent 10 years in Silicon Valley working in roles spanning R&D, product development, product management, and business development for Amyris, a pioneer in synthetic biology, and Symyx Technologies, utilizing proprietary high-throughput robotic workflows to accelerate polymer and material discovery and development. Susan also worked as an analyst for management consulting company Mitchell Madison Group. Her passion is working closely with scientific and technical innovation to craft product and business strategy and partnering with founders and the broader ecosystem to implement and commercialize solutions to make a positive impact on people and planet.

Susan was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Stockholm and Uppsala Universities, where she worked to develop catalyst systems for artificial photosynthesis. She holds a Ph.D. in chemistry from Caltech and an Sc.B. in chemistry from Brown.

PLEASE NOTE: If you are qualified to attend this forum, please register via the link in the email invitation or email Lou Halstead at  This event is invitation-only and therefor the registration link is not public on the website.  

INTERESTED IN SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES?  Contact Lou Halstead ( or Alyson Brice ( to learn more.