
ACG NextGen Program

"ACG’s NextGen has been an excellent platform for connecting with other motivated young professionals and established leaders in the DC area. It’s a great environment to develop relationships and share information with others focused in the same space."  - Dean Hart, Lockton Companies 

  • Register rising corporate growth leaders maturing in your company to participate in ACG's 2024 NextGen program.  
  • This annual program helps train up-and-coming talent (36 and under) to be better prepared to succeed in the business world and gain connections to like-minded individuals. 
  • Up to five participants per firm may join.  
  • Over 90 members from more than 60 organizations
  • Discounted access to all ACG National Capital chapter events
  • Membership includes access to the ACG NextGen WhatsApp group
  • Annual membership fee of $325, with the program year running from September 1 to August 31


Why Join NextGen?

Relevant Programming  |  Mentorship from the top ranks of ACG  |  Volunteer Activities  |  Networking Socials  | Involvement in the planning of the ACG Next Conference   |  Option to attend Regional ACG DealSchool in June   |  Opportunities in leadership within NextGen and ACG  | and ACG regular programming at a discount!

Leadership Opportunities. ACG NextGen offers the opportunity as an officer of the cohort – President, Vice President, Treasurer, Membership Co-Chairs, Programs Co-Chairs, Sponsorship Co-Chairs, and Social Chair 

Content. We work with the officers to help develop content focused on deal-making skills, leadership skills, and networking. We will provide opportunities for each of these areas. 

Registration for the 2023-24 cohort is closed. In the coming months, we will begin recruiting for the 2024-25 cohort. Contact Claire Sutton at to be put on the mailing list!