
Transition to the circular economy is one of the six environmental objectives in the EU Taxonomy Regulation, which is intended to redirect capital flow towards sustainable projects.

How can

On 23rd April Integrationpeople hosted an informative  webinar (in Dutch) on 'M&A en hoe een voorspoedige integratie voor waardecreatie zorgt'.

Het webinar bestond uit een tweetal delen:

Eerste deel

Whereas crypto dictates the business headlines these days, it is the underlying Blockchain Technology which will transform financial infrastructure globally and ultimately lead to the formation of Web

Hosted by Marsh and Accuracy.

The theme for this webinar was “How will sharing economy mobility solutions deliver on their promise to be a game changer?”

A decade ago, these business models seemed

Yesterday afternoon for our first ever New Year Online Drinks and Quiz. It was great to see so may faces and engage in a fun manner. I know you all think the event was rigged – Eddy Boorsma won – but