
On Tuesday November 22nd 2016, Lars Dijkstra - Chief Investment Officer, Kempen Capital Management and Constant Korthout - CFO Statutory Board Van Lanschot Bankiers N.V. discussed trends on long-term

Last night ACG Holland, the Dutch arm of the global organization focused on driving middle-market growth, held its first annual Growth Awards Ceremony at the A’DAM Toren in Amsterdam.

The Growth

Measuring the social impact we have on the world was front of mind in our recent networking lunch, kindly sponsored by Accuracy. The theme was social impact investing and in the spirit of the

Titus Schurink is one of seven ACG members to receive ACG Global's 2016 Meritorious Service Award. The award is given to ACG members who have provided distinguished volunteer service and leadership.

On 17 March ACG Holland & HPE Growth Capital, hosted Princess Laurentien from the Missing Chapter Organisation to talk about how the creative thinking of children is helping organisations to tackle