

ACG Silicon Valley is the premier organization for C-Suite leaders in Silicon Valley. We are not just a meet and greet venue. ACGSV provides community, connections, and thought leadership, enabling both personal and organizational growth.

It is a group of leaders assembled by invitation only providing a unique experience with like-minded senior executives. Business is transacted in this group:

  • Five CEO positions have been seeded and materialized through ACGSV connections in the last few years
  • Three board positions have been secured
  • Several venture deals have been consummated
  • A professional services sponsor of ACG Silicon Valley in a traditional sector, retained a key ACG Silicon Valley member attorney in a start up initiative to move a traditional business model into a mobile app enhanced business in the health care industry
  • An ACG corporate member wishing to expand business in China used ACG Silicon Valley resources to identify a new board member with China experience
  • A CEO of a privately held firm found a banker and attorney to implement an exit plan

ACGSV prides itself on connecting with a purpose for specific sector groups, our Circles. During the ACGSV Circle meetings, senior executives are invited to network and engage in thought leading panel discussions.

  • Over 300 Silicon Valley CEOs are participating in the C-Suite Circle
  • Well over 100 people, who sit on public company boards engage in the Public Board Circle
  • M&A professionals meet in what is now branded as the Dealmakers Circle
  • Our Female Executives Circle (FEL) a general peer-to-peer support group meant to create a community of and for female executive leaders in Silicon Valley
  • The CTO/Innovation Circle is a place where CTOs, innovation and engineering executives as well as corporate IP professionals meet
  • The Young Executives Circle (YEx), the newest of the ACGSV acclaimed Circle program, is going to promote young entrepreneurs and their companies