The acronym "POD" stands for Professionals Opening Doors. PODS were developed as a way to help ACG OC members better leverage their membership. A POD is a smaller networking group created with the sole purpose of helping members develop relationships and refer business. NoteIn order to participate in an ACG Orange County POD, you must be a current member.

How PODs work is simple: One or two members sponsor the POD, 8 to 10 other members join, and these members meet on a regular basis to build relationships, trade industry intelligence, and share new business leads. As participants find value and build relationships, they split off into their own PODS to continue the flow of business and leverage an ever increasing number of potential referral partners. Most PODS stay intact for several years in order to build greater depth & breadth with each member.

The most successful PODS meet frequently and regularly with the specific intent and purpose of transacting business, sharing leads and leveraging each other’s contacts and business expertise.

The role of ACG OC is to provide the introductions, structure and tools for members that wish to create or join a POD.

For more information about PODS, please contact:

Dan Guth
E: Daniel.Guth@alliant.com

As you review the list of existing PODS below, note that we are currently looking for Chairs to lead new groups, including:

  • SaaS
  • Women’s POD II
  • Inland Empire POD
  • Golf POD

POD Group

Aerospace & Defense POD: Larry Schultz larry.schultz@mossadams.com

Andrea’s POD: Andrea Casaw andreacasaw@gmail.com

Business Development POD:  Joseph Hirsch josephhenryhirsch@gmail.com

David Krajanowski’s POD: dkrajanowski@singerlewak.com

Hardesty POD : Karl Hardesty kah@hardeistyllc.com

HealthCare POD : Tim De Cou tdecou@hardestyllc.com

Healthcare POD: Karl Hardesty kah@hardestyllc.com

Manufacturing & Distribution (focus on Food & Beverage): Thomas Spinogatti tspinogatti@comerica.com

Mountain Biking POD : Zach Martin, Pacific Mercantile Bank, Zach.Martin@pmbank.com 

Production POD: Daniel Guth:  Daniel.Guth@alliant.com; Ray Jansma: Rjansma@eragroup.com; Lee Morrison: Lee.Morrison@cit.com

Real Estate POD: Mike Issa/Maxwell Anderson missa@glassratner.com

Restaurant/Hospitality POD : Tom Spry tom@tomspry.com

South Orange County POD: Jeff Husserl  jlh@centrumassociates.com

West County (Seal Beach/Los Alamitos) POD: Michael Cole michael.cole@hcvt.com, and Jeff Minter jminter@hardestyllc.com

Wine Interest POD : Mike Issa missa@glassratner.com

Women’s POD: Whitney Ehret whitney.ehret@baldwin.com

Young Professionals of Orange County POD: Dan Stevens Dan.Stevens@burnhamgibson.com