Join us at ACG DealMAX® from April 7-9 in Las Vegas. Register today!
Welcome to ACG Orange County!
We are excited that you have decided to join Orange County’s premier business development networking group!
ACG OC is an organization that will give back more than you put into it… if you approach your membership in the right way. The key to making your ACG journey successful and building your business is establishing strategic relationships with other ACG members.
Get Started Guide
We want your ACG experience and membership to be valuable. To accelerate your ACG effectiveness and maximize your experience the following steps will help. ACG is a relationship-based organization and building good relationships take time. The tips below are accelerators to enhance your ACG experience and build relationships quicker.
Get familiar with our Website. There is great information here.
Prepare your profile for the website: Go to member login in the upper right hand corner of the site and then go to ‘my ACG’ and complete your profile.
Attend the next New Member Welcome Breakfast. As a new member, we’ll contact you to join our next New Member Breakfast.
Attend our next Launch POD. Launch POD is open to all members and this meeting will serve as a newly created ‘default POD’ for attendees. (The acronym "POD" stands for ‘Professionals Opening Doors’.) This event will also provide the structure and tools for members that wish to create or join a new or separate POD from the Launch POD. A POD is a smaller networking group created with the sole purpose of helping members develop relationships and refer business. Each POD consists of 8 to 10 members who meet on a regular basis to build relationships, trade industry intelligence, and share new business leads. Sign up for our next Launch POD.
Prepare your introduction pitch – 30 seconds, 1 min, 2 min. This is an important step to effectively communicating what you do in a short amount of time. Select and sign up for “Must Attend Events”. See enclosure.
For questions, please feel free to contact Kristie Benko, (714) 259-1224 or by email at
Join us at ACG DealMAX® in Las Vegas!
ACG's DealMAX® is the middle market's can’t-miss M&A event. Join 3,000+ dealmakers on April 7-9 for one-on-one meetings, networking, industry insights, fun and more.