Pricing for 2022 Florida ACG Capital Connection, Nov 1-3, 2022 - Online pre-registration available through 10/21/22; add $100 at the door
General Attendees:
ACG Members - $595
Non-Members - $695
Emerging Professional Members - $495
Private Equity Exhibitors, (includes TWO registrations, which is recommended) - $1,675 (SOLD OUT)
Investment Banker Exhibitors (includes TWO registrations, which is recommended) - $795 (SOLD OUT)
Optional Events - Golf for $215, Tennis for $90
General Conference Attendee Cancellation Policy: Substitutions are acceptable in advance and at the door. For a refund of general attendee/exhibitor fees, cancellations must be received in writing via email by 9 PM EST on Friday, October 14, 2022 (email Cancellations eligible for a refund are subject to a $50 processing fee. After October 21st, substitutions only, please.