Al Hancock

Al Hancock

Al Hancock is one of North America's Premier Keynote Speakers he is a Professional World Class Mountain Climber with a reputation for climbing the Worlds Highlights Mountains.

In 2008 he became the 13th Canadian and the 202nd person in the world to have climbed the highest mountain on all seven continents. Placing him in a unique group.

The litmus test of mountaineers is to climb an 8,000 meter peak and add that important accomplishment to they're climbing resume.

He is one of few people to successfully summit Mt: Everest not once…… but twice, in 2007 and 2010. After three expeditions to the Savage Mountain, known as K2 “ he finally stood on its summit in 2014

Al Hancock has been quietly making Canadian history; Over the last several years he has set his sights on climbing the 14 highest mountains in the world, what he’s labeled the Big 14 Challenge. If he succeeds he will be the first Canadian and only the second North American to do so. He has been on 13, 8,000 meter peak expeditions in the Himalayas and stood on the summit off 8. The most recent’ Lhotse, the worlds fourth highest. Al has served as expedition leader on many of these peaks.

Al recognizes that there are so many parallels between climbing some of the world’s highest mountains, and the challenges we all face in our businesses every day.

To achieve something that seems impossible, you’ve got to first set the goal, then prepare, just when you think the answer is ‘I can’t’ it is quite probable that the answer is ‘I can’

Personal and professional successes go to those with focused commitment, the ones that show up everyday and do the work, until they reach their goal. In leadership he nails it down without compromise, you can have excuses or you can have results, but you can’t have both.