Event Details
September 14, 2020 7 AM - 6 PM CDT
Join us for the ACG St. Louis Annual Golf Tournament on Monday, September 14th at Meadowbrook Country Club!
The Annual Golf Tournament is one of ACG St. Louis’ signature events and sells out year after year. This year's tournament will feature a slightly different format to accommodate for social distancing guidelines. Foursomes will be assigned tee times. No Pros this year. A grab and go breakfast and Bloody Mary Bar will be available all morning as golfers register and warm up at the driving range. Multiple food stations will offer a variety of options throughout the course and drink carts will be running on the front and back nine. The tournament will remain a shamble format where each golfer tees off and the foursome selects the best drive. Golfers then play their own ball from that point until it is holed. Prizes will be awarded to the winning foursomes in each flight. Live scoring will be available through the Golf Genius app.
Get quality time to network with industry professionals, potential clients and corporate executives while enjoying a round of golf on a pristine course. Register your foursome today!
Individual Golfer-$300
Hole Sponsor-$500
Display your company logo on a sign at your dedicated tee box. Great visibility at a great price!
Foursome + Hole Sponsorship-$1,600 ($100 savings)
Bring a foursome from the office or invite clients while supporting ACG St. Louis with your hole sponsorship.
Hole In One Sponsor-$1,500
Promote your company to a captive audience. Sponsor will “own the hole” with signage and the ability to staff a table and offer promotional materials.
Vodka Bar Sponsor-$1,500
Every golfer visits the Vodka Bar at the turn. Enjoy the opportunity to greet golfers while serving up their favorite cold beverage.
If you are interested in sponsoring this year's tournament please contact Amy Ruebsam at aruebsam@acg.org.
*Platinum and Gold Annual Sponsors-please e-mail Tracy Montgomery at acgstlouis@acg.org to register your complimentary golfers.
Hosted by: ACG