The room block is now closed. You can check availability at The Jefferson Hotel outside the room block by calling 888-918-1895. Other area hotels include:
ROOM CANCELLATIONS: BEFORE cancelling your room reservation, please notify Jessica Marsh at or 804.381.6439, so the room to be reassigned to the block.
It is ACG Richmond policy that all guests in the ACG Richmond - Virginia Capital Conference discounted room block must be registered attendees of the 2019 Virginia Capital Conference. ACG will contact any guests in the block who have not completed their conference registration, and ACG reserves the right to have the discounted rate adjusted to the prevailing rate for any guests who do not complete a registration for the 2019 Virginia Capital Conference.
Please contact or call 804.381.6439 if you have any questions about event details, room block or attendee policies for the Virginia Capital Conference.