2017 Course Schedule

Sarah Carr and Laura Coburn: Leadership Framework and Understanding Self 
Date: September 12, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 2nd Floor Atrium
Time: 2:00 – 6:00 pm Session; 6:00 – 7:00 pm Opening Reception 

In Session 1, the participants in the 2017 group will meet and begin to build their L20 Network.  They will be introduced to the L20 framework for understanding effective leadership in the demanding world of professional services.  Self-understanding is fundamental to this process.  To that end, participants will take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) assessment prior to Session 1. Time will be spent in this session explaining the results of the assessment, and implications for effective leadership. 

In this conversation, we will discuss how understanding our similarities and differences can bring real strength to our relationships and the results we produce with others. This fun and enlightening conversation helps us appreciate the gifts that diversity can bring to our world, making us more patient with and appreciative of others’ differences – just as we would like them to be of ours.  Even a basic understanding of personality types can help you interact and work more effectively with others.  As a result of this session participants will be set up to create value from the program and to transfer what they learn back to the workplace.

Greg Giesen: Building Teams and Managing Conflict 
Date: September 19, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 7th Floor Training Room
Time:  7:30 am - noon

Teams are the basic building blocks of organizations...and yet not all teams achieve their potential. When team problems develop, the issues are often the result of breakdowns between stakeholders in procedures, processes, roles, goals, and/or relationships, not to mention team leadership. In this experiential workshop, participants will examine the critical role of the team leader in transforming a struggling team towards high performance.

Learning Outcomes

  • To understand the attributes/characteristics necessary to develop and maintain effective teams.
  • To understand team development stages and the role of the team leader in effectively guiding the team through them.
  • To understand the importance of proactively creating a team culture versus letting the culture create the team

Rick Shaum: Emotional Intelligence for Business Success

Date: October 3, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 7th Floor Training Room
Time:  7:30 am - noon

Many people falsely believe that IQ (or technical knowledge in their profession) is all that’s required for career success.  The reality is that EQ (or emotional intelligence) may be more important than IQ for long-term success.

During this interactive presentation, participants will learn how soft skills produce hard sales and business results.  Prior to the session, participants will complete an Emotional Intelligence assessment (EQi 2.0) that will provide a comprehensive report on fifteen emotional intelligence skills, including: emotional self-awareness, assertiveness, interpersonal relationships, empathy, reality testing and stress tolerance.  Rick will also teach practical skills for business development using EQ skills.

Learning Objectives:

  • Understand the need for emotional intelligence in career success and the EQi 2.0 model of EQ.
  • Gain an understanding of current EQ skills of fifteen categories that correlate to career success.    
  • Discover why empathy is the number one influence skill in leadership and building relationships.
  • Learn why key EI skills such as assertiveness, delayed gratification and self-awareness are important in networking, building referral partners and client acquisition.
  • Gain insight into practical ways of building “high EQ” networks that generate new revenue.  Develop a “rainmaker” action plan.
  • Learn how delayed gratification affects a person’s ability to build teams and manage projects.
  • Discover how emotional intelligence improves leadership effectiveness.
  • Build a sales village. It takes a village to win and retain clients.

Sarah Carr: Thriving Conversations - from conflict to collaboration

Date: October 10, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 7th Floor Training Room
Time:  7:30 am - noon

Communication is the lynch pin to all we do in business – from sales, to project management, to customer service, addressing diversity, withstanding a down turn, navigating change and our basic ability to execute on business plans. Without communication, none of this happens.
In the session leaders will create breakthroughs in relationships and results by using the tools and skills of Thriving Conversations. They will:

  • Engage in healthy, honest and productive conversations
  • Resolve core issues to get projects unstuck and moving
  • Reduce drama and defensiveness
  • Save time and energy by minimizing static and tension
  • Increase efficiency, clarity and accountability


Lynn Pollard: Decision-making in Complex Environments

Date: October 24, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 7th Floor Training Room
Time:  7:30 am - noon

The latest business surveys show that critical thinking now ranks as the most desired leadership attribute for business. While critical thinking works well for complicated environments where answers can be found by concertedly applying good processes, additional skills are needed to survive under volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) conditions. For VUCA environments, where causes and effects are unclear and creative solutions often trump tried-and-true processes, leaders and organizations need an expanded set of “cognitive readiness” competencies.
This session focus on developing the 7 skills identified though neuroscience research, in conjunction with the Department of Defense, for leading in VUCA environments.

Learning Objectives

  • How to distinguish different levels of complexity
  • How the brain works—not just decision-making but also cognitive biases
  • Differences between the concepts of “cognitive readiness” and “critical  thinking”
  • Seven core competencies leaders need to excel under VUCA

The Outcomes

  • Reduction of individual and organizational blind spots, which increase effectiveness and productivity
  • Establishment of a culture of innovation, curiosity and learning
  • Leadership who demonstrate the 7 skills required to thrive in complexity and adversity.

Mike Valentine: Transforming Problems into Purpose

Date: October 31, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 7th Floor Training Room
Time:  7:30 am – noon

This is an interactive, dynamic and powerful workshop for turning hurdles into stepping-stones.  Bring your three biggest challenges, in business, life or as a leader.  We will use them to reveal the unconscious operating system that keeps long standing issues stuck in place. 

Many efforts to create change fail. Why? They overlook the simple truth that all change starts at the same place. It starts here, where you are. The wisdom of the ages tells us that the power is now, yet change methods are often focused on getting somewhere else. 

The only time we can possibly live and lead On Purpose is Now and the only place it can be accomplished is Here.

We will roll our sleeves up and go to work where there is real power. Mental barriers and emotional blocks will be kindly brought to light in a way that creates a point of no return. More importantly we will transform your three biggest problems into a heartfelt Intention for fulfilling your real purpose!

Sarah Carr: Putting It All Together

Date: November 13, 2017
Location:  475 17th Street, 2nd Floor Atrium
Time:  2:00 – 6:00 pm Session; 6:00 – 7:00 pm "Graduation" Reception

The final session consists of engaging in an experiential learning application where working with fellow participants you will explore how to practically apply all that you have learned to get into action on issues and opportunities that matter to you most. Additionally you will have an opportunity to learn and explore with past Leadership 20 graduates about growing as a leader post program. The evening will conclude with a celebratory reception hosted by the ACG Board of Directors.

Event Details