2025 ACG Cup Minnesota




ACG Cup is an intercollegiate competition among business school students from colleges and universities in the midwest. Retaining and recruiting talent in Minnesota is a major objective of the Cup competition for ACG Minnesota's Chapter. During competition, students analyze complex business cases and present strategies involving merger and acquisition alternatives, valuation, capital markets, finance options, and corporate strategy. Student participants gain invaluable experience in a real-world context, receive feedback from leaders in the local business community,  and create networks, all while competing for a cash prize.

ACG CUP 2025:
The ACG Cup is a unique case study competition designed to give students from leading undergraduate programs invaluable insights into mergers & acquisitions, investment banking, financial advisory and private equity. 

Student teams are given a real-life case prepared by ACG finance professionals. The case study will be 15-20 pages on a business issue/problem that the students must analyze and then provide recommendations on valuation, capital markets, and M&A advice to a panel of investment professionals from the Twin Cities area. The purpose of the competition is to give students real-life experience in mergers and acquisitions, investment banking, private equity and strategic alternatives. The competition also gives students a great opportunity to showcase their professional and academic skills.

Cash prizes to the top three teams:

First place: $3,000
Second place: $2,000
Third place: $1,000


Employers that were involved in 2024 include: 

  • BMO Capital Markets
  • Cherry Tree 
  • Eisner Amper
  • Fredrikson
  • Harris Williams
  • Hennepin Partners
  • Kroll Capital
  • Lazard Middle Market
  • Medallion Capital
  • Northborne Partners
  • Norwest Equity Partners
  • NMP Capital
  • Northstar Capital
  • Piper Sandler & Co.
  • Quazar Capital
  • Redpath and Company
Event Secondary Body

2025 ACG Minnesota Cup Brochure
Students and schools: For more information refer to this brochure or email shelley@acgmn.org for details on how to participate.

Recruiters: Are you a business that is interested in supporting this event--and would like the opportunity to recruit these talented students? It is not too late to participate. Reach out to Shelley Fischer at shelley@acgmn.org for information on next steps. 


Hosted by: ACG