ACG is uniquely positioned to help grow the small business base by enhancing access to locally established industries. ACG’s Business Community Outreach (BCO) program will work towards the development of an integrated referral network where local businesses can connect with established industries for a wide variety of sub contract opportunities. This relationship will enhance access and strengthen relationships between the small business community and larger, more established corporations.
Have you done business with a small business that provided excellent goods and/or services, wants to grow, and fits our profile? If so, please nominatethatsmall business for the ACG Louisiana Community Outreach Program. Contact Scott Whittaker at Stone Pigman,
The general criteria are: (1) in business at least two years; (2) is not a sole proprietorship; (3) provides excellent goods and/or services; (4) has the desire and capability to grow; and (5) is a small business. Our definition of "small business" is flexible, and varies by industry. Our rule of thumb is a business with gross revenue between $50,000 and $2 million, but a business with gross revenue greater than $2 million can qualify if it is small in its industry and among its competitors.
Find your next business partner on our Excellent Small Business List.
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