ACG Cincinnati - The Fido Factor: Get a Leg Up at Work


Event Details


October 3, 2018 11:30 AM - 1 PM EDT

Location Name
Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce Conference Center
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The Fido Factor:  Get a Leg Up in Your Business Just for Women

Leadership lessons from dogs?  Woof yes!

Drawn from her book The Fido Factor, strategic consultant and executive coach Krissi Barr will inspire you as she reveals the leadership wisdom business professionals and particularly women can learn from their four-legged friends.  While women are 47% of the workforce and only 10% of senior leaders, they have unique challenges to getting a leg up at work!

Based on her 15 years of executive coaching and 20 years in corporate leadership positions, Krissi will share the behaviors that women can implement to achieve success both in their business and personal lives.  You’ll leave with some “aha’s” and real “take-aways” you can implement right away. 

Don’t let the cuddly premise fool you. This is a serious – and fun – presentation.  So join us, unleash yourself and learn some new tricks!

Hosted by: ACG

