ACG CIN WOMEN: May Women's Lunch


Event Details


May 1 - 2, 2019

Location Name
Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber Conference Center
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Get What You Want in Your Career! (But Do You Know What You Want?)


As women, we work hard. But all too often, living “heads down”  is our only option if we want to manage our competing priorities. Whether it is the glass ceiling, family needs, or personal goals and interests, finding the time to get clarity on what matters most in your life feel like an unobtainable luxury. And when it comes to our careers, few can answer with clarity who they are professionally, and what they really want out of work. Julie will share strategies, tips and tactics that will help you: 

  • Define and assess where you are RIGHT NOW.
  • Take a look ahead at your “career runway”- and take a more planful approach that gets the results YOU want.      

Understand the career life cycle- and why the difference between a “no” and a “not right now” can give you career freedom           

Hosted by: ACG