Member Benefits

Benefits of Being an ACG Chicago Member

Your work is about people - making the right connections at the right time. ACG Chicago helps you make deals through exclusive networking events and keep your edge through relevant programming.

Powerful Networking - Bringing together local M&A professionals for idea exchange and deal making.

Relevant Programming - Keeping you up-to-date on the most current topics in M&A and market trends like benchmarking and market conditions

Rewarding Volunteerism - Further build leadership skills by leading leaders like you!

Dynamic Deal Opportunities - Numerous Chicago events and ACG Global’s annual deal-making events provide warm leads for you to drive quality business deals

Key benefits include:

  • Opportunity to connect: 30+ local, in-person events a year - Breakfasts, cocktails, roundtables and more to connect and learn
  • Premier networking: - Attend the ACG Midwest Capital Connection. Meet, greet and build relationships with capital providers, advisors, entrepreneurs and knowledgeable M&A partners who have an expertise in middle market M&A and profitable business growth.
  • Leading-edge market intelligence: The powerful ACG Chicago and ACG Global network provides you access to essential up-to-the-minute news that impacts the M&A ecosystem.

Remember, when you become an ACG Chicago member, you also gain access to ACG’s 13,000+ M&A dealmakers plus all of the great global benefits below. You also can save up to $1,000 on ACG events.

Our annual membership fee is $495 which runs for 12 months from the join date through the end of the month of the date of join.  [no initiation fee]

We are an approval chapter to make sure the member community is built of active professionals dedicated to corporate growth. 


Join or Renew your membership today