Cyclorama Boston (DealFest: June 7)
539 Tremont St.
Boston, MA 02116
(617) 426-5000
Directions | Parking
The links and phone numbers to reserve your room will be included in your confirmation email once you register to attend the event.
The Langham (Deadline: May 19)
250 Franklin St.
Boston, MA 02110
The Millennium Boston Hotel (Deadline: May 12)
26 North St.
Boston, MA 02109
Accommodation Policies
It is ACG Boston policy that all guests in the ACG Boston discounted room block must be registered attendees of DealFest 2017 / DealSource Select. ACG Boston will contact any guests in the block who have not completed their DealFest 2017 / DealSource Select registration, and ACG Boston reserves the right to have the discounted rate adjusted to the prevailing rate for any guests who do not complete a registration for DealFest Northeast 2017.
Event Details
June 7, 2017 6:30 PM - 9:30 PM EDT