Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is the cost of membership?
A: The annual cost of a Toronto Chapter Individual membership is
$599+HST (CAD). We also offer Corporate and Group rates. Check out our Membership page to learn more!


Q: What is included in an ACG membership?
A: ACG Members have access to over 30+ Expanded Programs through the Toronto and Quebec markets alone, plus access to all ACG Chapter events across the entire ACG network. These Expanded Programs offer a variety of tools to enhance professional development, knowledge base and networking through topics focused on Industry Verticals, Leadership and Best Practices. ACG Members receive a wealth of information and resources at both the global and local levels. ACG Members also have access to preferred pricing on the majority of events with savings of 30-50% off the non-member ticket price. ACG Toronto and Quebec members also have access to the ACG Weekly e-newsletter among other online resources and content. To learn more, check out our ACG Toronto Member Benefits page and the ACG Global Member Benefits page.


Q: How do I get my username and password?
A: Please visit myACG to log into your existing profile or to create a new one. If you are a new or returning member, you will need to create a new profile or update your existing one by following these
instructions. If you have created a profile, and forget your password, please click on the "Forgot Password" button on the login page. If you have any trouble please email us


Q: When does my membership expire and how can I renew it?
A: ACG Toronto and Quebec 
Memberships are valid for one year from the date of purchase and expire at the end of the same month in the following year. For example, a membership purchased on March 18, 2025, will expire on March 31, 2026. You will receive reminders via email of an expiring membership. To renew your membership, please email us or check out our Membership page for more information.


Q: What if I am a member of another ACG chapter?
A: As a member of another ACG chapter, you can attend as many ACG Toronto events as you'd like at the member rate.


Q: How do I get more involved?
A: If you are interested in getting more involved in ACG, please reach out to ACG Toronto via email at toronto@acg.org or by calling 416-868-1881 x 1 with your interests or ideas. We are always thankful for more involvement from our members.