
Join ACG Tampa Bay as we welcome Jack Murray III, President and CEO of JKM Restaurant Partners, LLC, a company recently formed to develop and expand the PDQ Restaurant concept in North and South Carolina.

Brio Tuscan Grille at International Plaza (New Location)
5:30 pm to 8:00 pm
2223 N. Westshore Blvd
Tampa, FL 33607
55 for ACG members/80 for non-members
6:15-7:15 pm - Presentation
7:15-8:00 pm - Cocktails/Appetizers
Jack is also the President of The Murray Corporation; a family owned merchant bank headquartered in Tampa, FL. The Murray Corporation invests in companies in information technology, business services, lodging, temporary storage, and the rural development space. The Murray Corporation is one of the largest system franchisees of the Portable on Demand Storage (PODS) concept , which revolutionized the moving and storage industry (minority owners of the Atlanta, Dallas, Greenville, Philadelphia and Wilmington markets, majority owner Houston, TX).