Panel 1 - Clean Repowering: How to Capitalize on Fossil Grid Connections to Unlock Clean Energy Growth

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9:45 AM
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Panel 1


There is a significant untapped opportunity for new clean energy resources to be developed at the site of existing fossil plants, enabling them to plug into the grid at a lower cost and faster.  How significant?  RMI has identified 250 GW of opportunities that take advantage of new Inflation Reduction Act incentives and can proceed through a streamlined regulatory process.  Come hear from RMI’s Uday Varadarajan and Farella Braun + Martel LLP’s Christopher Rendall-Jackson and Linda Gilleran discuss these “Clean Repowering” projects and why you should seize these opportunities while the incentives last.



  • Linda Gilleran, Senior Associate, Farella Braun + Martel LLP
  • Christopher Rendall-Jackson, Special Counsel, Farella Braun + Martel LLP
  • Uday Varadarajan, Senior Principal, RMI