Session Details
If you were told last March that you wouldn’t return to your office or see your colleagues for A YEAR, would you have believed it? We wouldn’t! We have experienced so much change in a relatively short amount of time, which shows just how adaptable we can be, with a little help from technology…
Well, it’s a year later, vaccines are being distributed quickly, restrictions are being lifted and many of us will return to the office…or will we?
This Keynote discussion will begin by sharing lessons learned from this past year of working remotely and answer questions like, how did companies shift and successfully conduct business last year, and how do they plan to handle returning to the office? We will continue the discussion by looking forward: What does the future workplace look like? How much choice will employees have? How will this impact the employer, operating executive and future M&A valuation? What will it cost and what are the financial impacts for companies from a state and local tax perspective?
Grab your lunch and join us!

Elizabeth Knuppel

Kristin Mauer

Ron Tambasco