Private Equity Dealmaking on the Beach


Event Details


July 26 - 28, 2016

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ACG New York

Please join ACG NY and ACG Philadelphia for Private Equity Dealmaking on the Beach - the summer networking event specifically targeted at deal–making professionals to provide high quality, relevant deal-focused meetings.

Dealmaking on the Beach will be held in Long Branch, NJ at new newly renovated Ocean Place Resort & Spa. Nestled between Pier Village and the Atlantic Ocean, Ocean Place is less than 60 miles from NYC and 75 miles from Philadelphia, with train service as well as a ferry that runs from NYC to Atlantic Highlands.

@ACGNYC #ACGbytheOcean


TUESDAY, July 26, 2016
12:00pm - Explore the Jersey Shore! 
5:30pm -  Cocktail Reception at Ocean Place Resort
6:30pm -  Dinner
FIRSESIDE CHAT:New Jersey Congressman Tom MacArthur, representing New Jersey's 3rd Distric, withPam Hendrickson, COO, The Riverside Company



8:00pm - Networking and Beach Bonfire

WEDNESDAY, July 27, 2016
8:00am -   Breakfast
8:30am - 3:00pm Panel Presentations & Deal Meetings:

  • Alternative Sourcing Strategies – Deal Networks, Buy sides, Attorneys/Accountants, and Independent Sponsors
  • Leveraging Social Meeting to Build Your Brand and Network – and Remain Compliant
  • Deal Networking: 4 hours of uninterrupted, one-on-one private equity/capital providers and investment banking meetings

8:30am - 9:15am Alternative Deal Sources
- discussing deal sourcing strategies for both investment bankers and capital providers

- Moderator: Peter Lehrman, Axial 
- David Acharya, AGI Partners LLC
- Sarah Robson, Axial
- David Schenkel, Valufinders
- Michael Schwamm, Duane Morris

9:15am - 10:00am "Let's get Social" - How Basic Social Media Use Can Increase Deal Flow

- Moderator, Amy Ludwig Weisman, Sterling Investment Partners
- Scott Gluck, Duane Morris
- Lewis Goldberg, KCSA
- Allison Tepley,  Axial
- Janine Truitt, Talent Think Innovations, LLC

10:00am - 2:00pm Lunch/Deal Networking Sessions
2:00pm - 3:00pm Break
3:00pm-5:00pm: Battle at the Beach:
beach activities including Volleyball & Bean Bag Toss
5:30pm - 6:30pm: Cocktail Reception at Ocean Place Resort
6:30pm - 8:00pm: Dinner & Panel Discussion


The PE Fleet: Building Portfolio Company Value Creation

- Moderator, David Hellier, Bertram Capital
- John Bisack, Performance Improvement Partners
- Tom Gesky, Resourcive
- Grant Hunter , Inventis Strategies

- Vito Pagano, IMG
- Tim Raven, Profit Velocity Solutions

9:00pm -
 Networking on the Boardwalk

Individual reservations can be made by calling 1-800-411-6493, press 2 for reservations. Rooms will be held until July 12th.



Hosted by: ACG
New York