Legal Considerations in Deals

Session Details

9:30 AM
More Information
  1. Where the lawyer gets involved in the negotiation and the deal points
  2. Starting even at the NDA stage – not necessarily just leaving it to the bankers
  3. LOI Stage: lawyers role / touch points in this stage; says non-binding, but some points could be binding; negotiation points even here from both sides
  4. Corporate housekeeping in conjunction with other advisors; cap table, minutes and records up to date
  5. What goes over in a CIM
  6. Intersection with due diligence
  7. Stock sale diligence could be running both ways
  8. Drafting and structure of the deal – asset vs stock; cash, stock
  9. Deal documentation and through to closing


Allen Nelson

Allen Nelson

Taylor English/Adjunct Faculty Duke University Law School