ACG South Growth Symposium - Wednesday February 9th

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Event Details


February 9, 2022 8 AM - 2 PM EST


Packed full of exclusive opportunities to connect and grow relationships with C-suite peers and take away updates and strategies for continued rapid growth, the ACG South Growth Symposium 2022 promises to be worth your valuable time, especially if you:

  • Could be seeking capital in the next two years
  • Are considering growing via acquisitions
  • Have concerns around supply chains, impending tax changes, the labor market and other issues impacting middle-market growth
  • Want an understanding of the current M&A landscape and what it means to you and your industry
  • Have or need insight into the impact of Covid and Covid-induced business trends

Growth Symposium attendees will comprise the leadership of companies from prior Georgia Fast 40 winners representing the more than 6,600 new jobs and nearly 2.4 billion dollars in revenue growth celebrated at the most recent event, as well as fast-growing company CEOs and CFOs from around the South. Meet executives from across the region, hear the latest on the issues above and close out with a bourbon tasting, just for good measure. Company executives will also have the opportunity to participate in our marketplace to take informal meetings with additional members of the ACG ecosystem. 

We hope you can step away from the office for a few hours to join us. More details to come, but in the meantime, RSVP to to hold your space.
