ACG San Diego VIRTUAL BrownBag | The Emotions of Selling a Business

ACG San Diego VIRTUAL BrownBag | M&A Deals – How They Move in Uncertain Times

Event Details


September 15, 2020 11:30 AM - 1 PM PDT

Location Name
ACG San Diego - Zoom
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Join ACG San Diego in this interactive, virtual BrownBag, where we will hear from a business owner who went through a sale of a 190-person company to a private equity-backed competitor, including many of the emotional challenges involved in the process. Also featured are two subject experts specializing in managing the soft issues around selling a business, who will provide insights and tools to overcome these challenges or prevent them from happening. The panelists will address the entire process from beginning to end, including the following topics:

  • The factors leading up to the decision to sell or not 
  • Considerations about which advisors to consult 
  • The pain of preparing for the go-to-market 
  • The marketing process leading up to the LOI 
  • Due diligence and negotiating the agreement 
  • Integrating a bold-on acquisition into a platform company 
  • Life after parting ways with the new owners and how to prepare

You will also have the opportunity to submit your questions and “stump” the experts. Great information for for Business Owners and C-Level Execs as well as Advisors working with business owners.

Join us for complimentary Networking Breakout Session on Zoom Meeting to follow Webinar. (URL link will be provided via email and at end of webinar.)


  • Emily Bouchard – Managing Director, Leadership and Legacy Consultant / Ascent Private Capital Management of U.S. Bank
  • Shane Parkes – Founder, Sparke Consulting / Former CEO, Anderson Audio Visual (prior to sale) 
  • Michel Zelnick – Business Therapist, The Zelnick Group


  • Leo Klijn – Partner, Henberger

Register Now

Registration Deadline: September 14, 2020 at Noon PT

  • ACG Members & Sponsors: $0
  • ACG Guests: $25 (complimentary if invited by an ACG member or sponsor who shared the guest pass)
  • Non-Members $25 (complimentary if invited by an ACG member or sponsor who shared the guest pass)


For more BrownBag info:

Please contact Leo Klijn/PCF-BrownBag Chair at or 858-231-2393


Contact Executive Director Judy Susser-Travis, CMP, CMM at or 619-741-7247.

Please Note: Your registration for this event acts as an audio/video release and includes your permission for ACG San Diego to use your image and comments captured on audio, video or photographic formats while attending the event for marketing and promotional purposes. For further information please contact: Judy Susser-Travis - ACG San Diego Executive Director @ or 619 741 7247.


Emily Bouchard

Emily Bouchard

Managing Director, Leadership and Legacy Consultant
Ascent Private Capital Management of U.S. Bank

A specialist in family dynamics, Emily focuses on the emotional impact of wealth on estate and financial planning. Backed by her extensive experience, she fosters better communication and leadership skills to help multigenerational families successfully transition their businesses, assets and values. Her approach stems from an acute awareness of the importance of healthy communication in families. Emily earned her B.A. in child development from the University of Pennsylvania, and M.S. in social work, with an emphasis on marital and family therapy, from the University of Texas at Arlington. Emily is a frequent presenter at conferences and trains advisors on family dynamics, family education, and the complexities of family business transitions. Emily is the coauthor of “Estate Planning for the Blended Family,” “Beginner’s Guide to Purposeful Prenups” and other publications. She was the founder of, which provides resources and strategies to help stepfamilies overcome their challenges. She has appeared on CNN and The Today Show, has been published in The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, as well as in other media.

Shane Parkes

Shane Parkes

CEO & Founder, Sparke Consulting
Former CEO and Co-Founder, Anderson Audio Visual

With a background in finance and accounting, Shane was CEO and co-founder of Anderson Audio Visual, an audio visual systems integration company headquartered in southern California. Anderson had 4 locations in California and 1 in Texas, 190 employees and $65m in revenues in 2016. Anderson Audio Visual was sold to a private equity company in November of 2016. Shane is now CEO and co-founder of Sparke Consulting. Sparke provides accounting, HR and fractional CFO support services to small and medium sized businesses. He is also a mentor for the Chairmen’s Roundtable. Shane has a Diploma in Business from Manawatu Polytechnic in Palmerston North, New Zealand. He is married to Raquel and a father of 3 girls. In his spare time he is an avid photographer and videographer.

Michael Zelnick

Michel Zelnick

Business Therapist
The Zelnick Group

Michel started his career in a family business with his immigrant parents and brothers in Montreal, Canada. Over the next forty-plus years, his business experience became further grounded in many facets of executive management, including roles as President & CEO, CFO, COO, Attorney, and CPA with private and public companies. In addition to having been in private practice working with couples in La Jolla, California, his clinical experience has included working as a psychotherapist with both the Departments of Psychiatry at UCSD and at the VA, San Diego. Recently, he has been applying all of the above experiences to advise private businesses, partnerships, families, and boards. His emphasis is on the resolution of conflict among and between business owners, particularly where there is a convergence of strong negative emotions and significant economic stakes. Bet the company stuff. Michel has a JD from the USD Schoool of Law, a Masters in Marriage and Family Therapy from the USD School of Leadership and Education Sciences, a Diploma in Public Accounting from McGill University School of Graduate Studies, and a Bachelor of Commerce in Accounting and Finance from the McGill University School of Management. Michel is licensed in California as a CPA (inactive), an attorney (inactive), and a Marriage and Family Therapist.

Leo Klijn (Moderator)

Leo Klijn (Moderator)


Leo Klijn is an investment banker focused on privately held businesses with revenues of $10m to $100m-up. He works with CEOs and owners to help them sell their business and/or get them to where they can successfully sell it. His experience as a deal maker, corporate executive in retail/CPG and co-founder of a software company listed on the NASDAQ SmallCap Market, provides him with a unique perspective to help his clients navigate the complexities of building, buying, selling and exiting a business. Leo's mantra is to "Help entrepreneurs finish strong." Leo received his MBA from ESCP-Europe, Paris, London, Berlin and his Undergraduate from Nijenrode, the Netherlands ' School of Business. He holds securities licenses 62, 63 and 79 as well as a broker’s license from the California DRE.

Hosted by: ACG
San Diego