SS&C Intralinks® Market Brief: Analyzing the Oil & Gas Environment

SS&C Intralinks® Market Brief: Analyzing the Oil & Gas Environment

The Oil & Gas industry has been battered by a price war and besieged by a pandemic. What’s next?

Rarely has a market been more complex and volatile than oil and gas is currently. The abrupt and potentially short price war between OPEC members, geopolitical stress and a glut of investment in U.S. shale have all combined to produce a frothy and fraught environment for dealmaking and production. Where does the oil and gas M&A cycle go from here, especially for PE?

Aftershocks of the recent oil-price war and production cuts fueled by the COVID-19 pandemic have created an unprecedented environment for M&A in the oil & gas industry.

Intralinks new market brief, produced in conjunction with PitchBook:

  • Maps out the historical context for this combustible combination of market pressures and events
  • Takes an unflinching look at current conditions through the M&A lens; and
  • Provides insights on dealmaking opportunities and challenges that lie in the uncharted territory ahead

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