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February ACG Kentucky - Shoring up finances for the KFC Yum! Center
Arena Authority chairman goes behind the scenes of the $388 million refinance
KFC Yum! Center bonds refinanced (Photo courtesy LAA)
Scott Cox, chairman of the Louisville Arena Authority, discusses the factors behind the muiti-million-dollar KFC Yum! Center refinancing and how it positions the arena for the future.
His February 26 appearance is hosted by ACG Kentucky. Members can attend the lunch at no cost. ACG members of other chapters can attend for $30. The non-member cost is $60. Watch the ACG website or your email for registration information.
Late last year, the authority finalized the sale of about $388 million in bonds to restructure the arena's debt and stabilize its finances.
The Louisville Arena Authority, created in 2005, guided the development, financing and construction process of the $238 million arena. It also selected the financing, construction, design and management partners.
The speaker is serving a four-year term as chair of the Louisville Arena Authority. Cox is a former Assistant U.S. Attorney and a 1985 graduate of the University of Louisville Brandeis School of Law.
Terry McWilliams
Jan 29 2018
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