ACG BC Distinguished Speaker Series


Event Details


February 26, 2025 5 PM - 7:30 PM PST

Location Name
KPMG Ignition Centre, 12th floor

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"Navigating a Successful Middle Market Career with David Schellenberg"


David’s long, varied and successful career began as a chartered accountant in Winnipeg, which was quickly followed by an MBA at Ivey. Out of school David moved West and started in the Jim Pattison Group corporate office where his real MBA was earned. Over the course of his career, David has successfully navigated all facets of the middle market deal making community as an advisor, treasurer, CEO, business owner and private equity partner.

Over this time, David has navigated career changes, countless acquisitions and divestitures, led a MBO and subsequent company sale, has chaired national industry associations, all while juggling a family life and setting mileage records driving his boys across the lower mainland to hockey games.

Our discussion will provide ACG members with unique insight into David’s career, decision making process, how he navigated the highs and lows, and his evolution from employee, to leader, to owner and now an investor in BC’s middle market.

Event Secondary Body

ACG British Columbia is pleased to provide this exclusive Members Only event. An evening of networking and learning with one of our most distinguished BC Dealmakers, David Schellenberg. Event includes complimentary refreshments and hors d'oeuvres.

Please note that this is an event for ACG BC Members only.


Hosted by: ACG
British Columbia