Kiem Le

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Quality Systems Integrated Corporation

Mr. Kiem Le is an entrepreneur and a true visionary with over 40 years of experience in engineering, manufacturing and leadership. Mr. Le is the Founder and CEO of Quality Systems Integrated Corporation (QSIC), a global, full-fledged, leading electronics manufacturing services company established in 1994, which develops unique solutions and upholds the highest degree of quality and excellence, agility and flexibility that enable 100% On-Time Delivery of Defect-free Products. Prior to QSIC, Mr. Le worked for Linkabit Corporation (predecessor of Qualcomm) –

M/A-Com Linkabit – Titan Linkabit, satellite equipment provider, from 1981 to 1993. Mr. Le began as an Electrical Design Engineer and quickly rose to the position of Director of

Engineering. His steadfast leadership over the years paved way for greater productivity and more convenient service delivery.


Mr. Le is the Founder of CenterComm Corporation. Mr. Le holds a Bachelor of Science with Honors in Electrical Engineering as well as a Master of Science (M. Sc) in Electrical Engineering from San Diego State University. Mr. Le equally holds patents in GPS technology.