072023 ACG TN July Monthly Meeting with Mike Lerario



Mike Lerario, Leadership Development Trainer, Coach, Speaker; Best Selling Author, will be joining us in Memphis on July 20 to share his latest book, Management in Balance. Many of you may remember him from several years ago and what a fantastic presenter he is. We would love for you to join us!

Overview of Management in Balance: Not everyone is a natural when it comes to management. And yet, in many big companies and organizations, the “reward” for being a top performer and excelling in your current role is to be plunged into management—often with very little warning, and even less time to adjust to the vastly different job description and requirements.

If this describes your situation, you’ll find strategies, solutions, and much-needed guidance in Mike Lerario’s second book, Management in Balance. In these pages, he outlines the four essential domains of management—Time, Material, Risk, and Change—and shares how managers can introduce higher levels of efficiency into their systems and within their teams. He also discusses what it means to manage with balance, and why it’s important to do so, not only for the stability of the company but also for everyone in the heart of your organization.

Whether you’re a seasoned manager looking to grow and improve your performance, or you’ve recently been promoted to management and have no idea how to get started, Lerario’s book will bring you the confidence and clarity you need to succeed in your management position.

More about Michael Lerario:

Mike Lerario is President and Principal 
Consultant for Crispian Consulting Inc., a 
firm that provides specialized training and 
coaching in Leadership Development and 
organizational effectiveness.

Additionally, Mike serves as subject matter expert on 
numerous research projects for the Army 
and the Department of Defense.

A 1983 graduate of the United States 
Military Academy, Mike served 23 years as 
an Infantry Officer in Airborne Ranger 
assignments and retired a Lieutenant 
Colonel in 2006 after serving with the Joint 
Special Operations Command.

Mike’s Army career includes command assignments through battalion level. He has 
multiple combat tours in both Afghanistan and Iraq. 

Following his retirement from active duty, Mike worked as an Operational Advisor with the 
U.S. Army Asymmetric Warfare Group (AWG) and with NATO training “Attack the 
Network” and Counterinsurgency (COIN) Operations. He returned to Afghanistan in 2013 
to assist in the training and development of the Afghan National Army Special Operations 
Command (ANASOC) and in 2014 to serve as Senior Command Advisor to the three-star 
commanding general of all NATO operational forces in Afghanistan. 

He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering (with a concentration in Military History)
and a Master of Art in Leadership Development, both degrees from the United States 
Military Academy at West Point, NY.

Mike is the author of the 2016 Amazon.com International Best Seller Leadership in 
Balance: The Fulcrum-Centric Plan for Emerging and High Potential Leaders. His second
book, Management in Balance: The Fulcrum-Centric Plan for New and Reluctant 
Managers, was published in November 2022. He is currently working on a third book, 
Solving the Leader’s Dilemma: Finding the Balance Between Leadership and 

Hosted by: ACG