Value Creation Event


Event Details


September 29, 2016 9 AM - 3 PM EDT

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Transformational Value Creation
You Paid 10X, Now What?

Thursday, September 29, 2016
8:00am - 2:00pm

As capital providers, we are all facing the challenge of more competitive processes and pricing. Although growth initiatives, cost cutting and talent acquisition have historically been separate critical approaches, transformational change has emerged to the forefront. There are pivotal events that change the culture of an organization and lead to transformational value creation. The industry is moving past the traditional LBO approach. In today’s middle market, having a thoughtful value creation strategy is a necessary competitive differentiator and driver for meeting return objectives.

Please join us at ACG New York’s Transformational Value Creation event and hear how experts who work with private equity firms and family offices are helping drive transformational value creation in portfolio companies. This is an invite-only event for private equity firms and family offices.

Panel Presentations:
Growth Initiatives (revenue/GM improvements):
  • Grant Hunter, Partner, Inventis Strategies, LLC
  • Don McNichol, Director, Performance Improvement Partners
  • David Reynolds, Partner, Venetia Partners
  • Jake Wojcik, Senior Vice President, Insight Sourcing Group
  • Moderator, Bob Fitzsimmons, Managing Partner, High Road Capital
Operational Improvements:
  • John Bisack, President and Managing Director, Performance Improvement Partners 
  • Tom Gesky, CEO, Resourcive
  • Alex Miller Senior Vice President, Synergetics
  • Moderator, Corey Massella, Partner, Katz, Sapper & Miller
Talent Acquisition/Assessment : 
  • Scott Estill, Partner, Skillcapital 
  • Steven Nigro, Managing Partner, TAG Financial Institutions Group, LLC
  • Moderator, Jim Rosener, Managing Partner, Pepper Hamilton
Value Creation Strategy in Action – A Fireside Chat with Bertram Capital: 
  • Jared Ruger, Partner, Bertram Capital
  • Moderated by Michael Goldman, Founding Partner and Managing Director, TM Capital

New York Yacht Club
37 W 44th Street
New York, NY 10036 

Expected to Attend
40 - 60 Private Equity and Family office attendees focused on business profitability improvements

8:00am - 8:45am Registration and Breakfast
8:45am - 9:35am Growth Initiatives Panel
9:35am - 9:55am Break
9:55am - 10:45am Operational Improvements Panel
10:45am - 11:35pm Talent Acquisition/Assessment
11:35am - 12:25pm Value Creation Strategy in Action – A Fireside Chat with Bertram Capital
12:25pm - 2:00pm Optional Networking Lunch

ACG Member - 295
Non Member - 395

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Hosted by: ACG
New York