Michael K. Nemerouf

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Systems Director - Innovation, Science & Technology
The Aerospace Corporation

Michael K. Nemerouf is the Innovation, Science, and Technology director in the Space Systems Architecture Division (SSAS) at The Aerospace Corporation. In this role, he supports horizontal integration by leading cutting-edge prototypes, science and technology projects, and industrial based efforts. He also plays an essential part in shaping and executing Aerospace’s AI strategy focused on AI-enabled autonomy, data analytics, and exploitation; AI-enabled mission assurance; and mission assurance for AI-enabled systems. Nemerouf’s passion for seeking federally funded research and development center community-driven solutions to AI adoption and integration for the space enterprise has led to several cross-organizational collaborations and community building initiatives focused on bringing the right expertise and tooling to the right problems in the right manner.


Prior to his current role, Nemerouf was a Senior Engineering Specialist, focused on helping Space Systems Command and Aerospace’s NRO customer in developing effective and executable AI adoption strategies. He also spent time as the director of the Communications Software Implementation Department, leading a group of engineers focused on AI applied to signal intelligence(SIGINT), electronic warfare, and communications resilience techniques. Nemerouf led a subdivision-level effort to align existing expertise, tools, and capabilities to build a reference architecture/framework for accelerating machine learning development across the industrial base, and prototyping agile mission assurance techniques for AI applied to SIGINT data.


Before joining Aerospace, Nemerouf spent 10 years as an Army interrogator supporting the Joint Special Operations Command, where he was a consumer of space-based intelligence products

that enabled him to uncover new high-value targets for disrupting terrorist organizations. Nemerouf now finds himself advising colleagues and customers on systems acquisitions that better facilitate the delivery of those intelligence products through the use of AI and machine learning.


Nemerouf holds a bachelor’s degree in mathematics (computing sciences cluster) from Chapman University and a bachelor’s degree in mathematics from The University of Texas at Austin, as well as a master’s

degree in computational and data science from Chapman University