Mark A. Arciero

Mark Arciero
Founder & CEO
Interim CEO and Business Partners

Mark Arciero is Founder/CEO of Interim CEO and Business Services (INTERIM) for the last 19 years specializing in bringing “Accelerated Operational Performance Improvements” while also addressing the “Behaviors” of the people creating long-term exit value through a hands-on partnership with management and stakeholders. 
Mark established ITERIM after a successful 20-year career as a CEO/President turning around several companies privately and publicly traded. He also founded his PE Firm in 2005 in which he acquired 4 companies and Mark and his Team have optimized and transformed numerous start-ups to multi-billion-dollar companies.
Sample of INTERIM’s client base includes Boeing, Dassault Falcon Jet, Commercial Jet, Velocity Aerospace Group as well as Private Equity Firms, M&A Firms and Banking Institutions improving operational performance and transforming the organizational culture of companies. 

Mark graduated from the University of Connecticut with a BSEE and is enrolled at Warren National University for his MBA. He is Certified as a Professional Business Advisors (PBA), Certified Leadership and Executive Coach, RAB Certified to train and audit ISO9001:2000; 2002; 2004; 2008, Certified Lean Sensei trained by the Shingijutsu Company of Japan and by the National Institute of Science and Technology (NIST); as well as Toyota Production Systems, Six Sigma Champion, and multi-Board Member