Andrew Racle is a managing director and leader of the West Region for Aon’s Transaction Advisory Services team. Andrew and his team are responsible for leading risk & insurance due diligence projects, typically on behalf of private equity buyers in prospective M&A deals. To support buyers, Andrew and his team build cross-functional teams of key technical experts within Aon in order to provide the buyer with insurance guidance specific to the target as relates to deal structure, valuation, and recommended approach for closing and during the hold period. Andrew joined Aon in 2014 and has ten years of experience supporting private equity and M&A transactions through insurance due diligence.
Prior to his career in insurance, Andrew worked at Lewis Feinberg Lee Renaker & Jackson, P.C., a boutique federal employment litigation firm. He holds a J.D. from Fordham University Law School and a B.S. in biology and society from Cornell University.