2017 Registration & Pricing


Online registration closes Wednesday, November 1st at 9PM EST - walk-ins are welcome at the door for an additional $100

Pricing for 2017 Florida ACG Capital Connection, Nov 8-9, 2017 (Early Arrivals Reception is Nov 7th)

General Attendees (through 11/1/17)
ACG Members - $475
Non-Members - $575

  • Early Arrivals Reception on Tuesday, 11/7
  • Capital Connection/Welcome Reception/Wine Tasting on Wednesday, 11/8 from 5:30 to 7:30 pm - networking with PEG/IB exhibitors while enjoying cocktails/appetizers
  • Late night after-party on Wednesday, 11/8
  • Breakfast on Thursday, 11/9
  • Lunch/Keynote on Thursday, 11/9
  • All knowledge forums/breakout sessions on Thursday, 11/9
  • Closing reception on Thursday, 11/9

* Although general attendees do not have access to the DealSource software, they can still enjoy networking and pre-arranging their own meeting with other attendees

ONLINE REGISTRATION for Exhibitors is closed - if you would like to have a table, please call Sherry Smith at (813) 205-0776

Private Equity Exhibitors – (includes TWO registrations, which is recommended) - $1,595

Intermediary Exhibitors (includes TWO registrations, which is recommended) - $895

All exhibitors (PEG & IB) receive the following:

  • Receive a dedicated 6’ meeting table for the full conference (Wed, 11/8 at 3:00 pm through Thurs, 11/9 at 4:00 pm) to schedule dozens of brief meetings all in one location – makes it easy to find you
  • “Exhibit” during the Capital Connection/All-invited Welcome Reception from 5:30 to 7:30 pm on Wed, 11/8 to general attendees/non-exhibitors, which include private equity firms, commercial and investment banks, growth-oriented companies, accounting and law firms, and other professionals all focused on dealmaking).  This is a great opportunity to network with those you don’t have scheduled meetings set up with, ALL while enjoying cocktails and appetizers.
  • Brand Awareness - exhibiting firms will be provided with a 6’ x 30” skirted table and are encouraged to bring logoed table cloths, company collateral, gadgets, premium items, raffle items, and PLENTY of business cards.  Signage with your company name will be provided by ACG Florida.  You may also bring a pop-up banner to be set up by your table.
  • Exclusive access to software for scheduling meetings – Exhibiting IBs will have exclusive access to Presdo software for scheduling DealSource meetings with exhibiting PEGs. Request meetings in advance and veto meeting requests, all through our software.
  • Flexibility to set your own meetings, in addition to Presdo software scheduled meetings, with early access to the conference registration list with contact information.
  • All conference events listed above