Event Details
September 26, 2018 7:30 AM - 9 AM EDT
It is not uncommon for businesses to be grouped into two categories – performing well or going bankrupt. However, there are a wide array of businesses in the middle that are not at risk of bankruptcy or liquidation, but are currently underperforming or experiencing a significant decline in the health of the business. These businesses provide a great opportunity for the right investor and management team to add and extract value for all stakeholders.
While this business could be underperforming for a variety of reasons (e.g., market factors, poor leadership, misaligned ownership), one trend that is common among these businesses is that they are not often aware of the options available to them to improve or exit their business in a favorable way. The framework for a turnaround typically follows five key steps:
This panel discusses the various options and strategies available to the underperforming business throughout the turnaround process, and how to prioritize and execute these strategies, including when a business needs to stray from the framework altogether.