ACG Calgary Olympic Bid Discussion



Danielle Smith

Interviewer: Danielle Smith

Global News & CHQR
Journalist & Talk Radio Host

Danielle is a journalist for Global News and talk radio host for CHQR and is the former Alberta politician. She attended the University of Calgary and acquired a Bachelor of Arts in English and in economics.


Interviewee: Mary Moran

Calgary Olympic Bid Corporation.

Mary’s role with Calgary 2026 is to develop a responsible 2026 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games bid for the city of Calgary, and to engage with the citizens of Calgary and Canmore to share the details of this bid and how the Games would be organized to allow everyone to make an informed vote in the plebiscite scheduled for November 13th.

Event Secondary Body

Please join as us the CEO of Calgary 2026 Bid Corporation is interviewed by Danielle Smith about the details of Calgary’s potential Olympic and Paralympic bid. You’ll hear about the benefits and risks to our city of hosting the Games in an intimate and engaging format that will allow you to cast an informed vote on November 13th.

Hosted by: ACG

Event Materials

Event Materials

Location: Calgary Petroleum Club
319 5th Avenue SW, Calgary AB, T2P 0L5

Doors Open:4:00PM