Having served 30 years as a SEAL leader, retired Rear Admiral Scott Moore is a master in organizational leadership and teambuilding. He served in every leadership position in the SEAL teams, including the former commander of the Naval Special Warfare Development Group, and closed out his career as the number two leader in the entire SEAL organization. He led the military’s elite forces through more than 2,000 of our nation’s most extreme, high-stakes missions and was deployed on SEAL team operations across the globe. He understands the importance of leadership and cohesiveness like few others can, and his experience runs the gamut from leading small groups to large-scale tactical planning. From the mountains of Afghanistan to briefings in the Oval Office, Moore is the man our leaders trusted when failure was not an option.
Battle-Won Wisdom. Moore led SEAL teams during the marquee moments of our nation’s history – like Just Cause (Panama), Bosnia, and post-9/11. He was the commander of a Joint Special Operations Task Force conducting more than 2,000 high-risk raids against key enemy leaders in Afghanistan. Additionally, he commanded several critical, no-fail hostage rescue operations, including the mission to save Captain Richard Phillip from Somali pirates.
Since commanding DEVGRU, Moore held increasingly complex leadership roles. He served as the director of counter-terrorism at the National Security Council and the deputy director for special operations at the Pentagon. There he reported to Admiral Mike Mullen, then chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and was his primary counter-terrorism advisor. Moore then spent a year as the deputy commander at the Office of Defense Representative Pakistan, where he was one of the senior officers interfacing with the Pakistani military. He put his invaluable strategic leadership experience to work in dealing with constantly shifting allegiances and allies who do not necessarily share the same priorities as the U.S. Most recently, Moore served as the deputy commander of Naval Special Warfare, where he recruited, trained, equipped, and deployed our nation’s most elite.
Teamwork Aficionado. In his off-duty time, Moore entertains himself by taking teamwork to new heights. He climbs the world’s tallest and most challenging peaks, including Mount Everest, and other Himalayan giants. Today, he is involved with numerous foundations supporting Navy SEALs and runs a strategic security solutions company.